
the Safe Migration project is a part of Afghanistan Diaspora Information Protection program funded by Danish Refugee Council (DRC) from 2020-2022. Abad e.V. produced more than 27 contents about safe migration and Covid19 vaccination. Based on Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) methodology, all products messages are designed through online research and several testing phases.

How to have safe migration - Farsi / Dari language

How to have safe migration - Pashtu Language

What experts say about safe migration - part 01

What experts say about safe migration - part 02

Why Ear-Learning Videos?

15 short videos help those refugees who are not able to read or write in their own languages to learn some basic, useful English phrases by listening. The sentences, repeated in Farsi/Dari, Pashtu and English are designed on the basis of an online-research. The respondants shared which phrases they need to learn or they had already wanted to use on their migration route.

English Useful Phrases for Safe Migration - 15 Ear Learning Videos

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10115 Berlin, Germany




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